Monkeybird´s work show a search for balance between dreams and reality. Loaded with symbols and allegries, their pieces are an emotional and rational discussion about human progress. Most MonkeyBird artworks incorporate a humanoid monkey and bird, which represent the two faces of humankind, the monkey being the realist, and the bird being a dreamer. The artists try to follow the ancestor’s knowledge and adapt it to reach the modern citizens mind, with symbolic pictures. Monkeybird are inspired by ephemeral monumentality, religious and mythological paintings and art nouveaux.
The two artists met in the street of Bordeaux in 2009. One of them was looking for a change in his graffiti and the other a change in framework and identity. With a background in graphic design, as well as object and industrial design they developed an artistic aesthetic, which contains technique-driven stenciling. collages, spray painting, drawing, carving, silkscreen printing and engraving.
Available artworks:
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